

The latest in tech

With PantherX, we’ve taken a good look at what’s available on the market, and how we can utilize the latest tech, to make the best Operating System yet. Whereas others have to support 20 year old software, we have the opportunity for a fresh start, and build on new, exciting, yet stable technologies.

(Ready) for Gaming

PantherX doesn’t yet spot the full range of games you’d find on other, more established platforms, however it takes less than 5 minutes to install Steam, or other gaming platforms, to get rolling.

Steam on PantherX


Not too long ago, the average Desktop PC had 16MB working memory - it was able to accommodate both the desktop environment, and all applications that you are running. Today’s hardware often ships with 16, or even 32GB or Memory as OS and desktop environments have grown flashier, hungrier and a lot more distracting.

With PantherX, we put a stop to this.

System Requirements

  • Intel, AMD, or ARM CPU with min. 2x1.6GHz
  • 512MB memory, recommended: 2GB Memory
  • 10GB of hard disk space

PantherX is designed to run best on Panther Alpha.

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PantherX OS is a reliable, user-friendly operating system that builds on GNU Guix but incorporates non-free software and drivers including nonguix to make it easy to install and use on a wide range of hardware.

The Power of PantherX OS